Feed on

Eating Carrots

This script is one I use often for so many different foods. Being so anxious about food means that there is resistance to even try new foods, where at this age other children are being so experimental and creative. Meanwhile our SM will not even hold the food, the feel of it on his hands, the look of it, the smell of it, the feel on his tongue, how it feels going down the throat.

The brilliant thing about this script is that the more foods you use it on, the less resistant your child becomes to trying new foods, or having others have strange foods around.

Remember the accepting phrase can be whatever is suitable for your child. So try out whatever your child prefers: “I’m a cool kid”, “I accept myself”, “I am a good boy”, “I love myself”, “I’m a great girl”

Here it is:
Even though I hate carrorts, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I don’t want carrots, I am a good boy.
Even though I can’t eat carrots, I’m a good girl.
Even though they smell gross, I accept myself.
Even though they feel wierd in my hand, I’ll hold it anyway.
Even though I feel like puking when I think about putting it in my mouth, I’m a cool kid anyway.
Even though I think I’m going to choke when if I bite it, I accept myself.
Even though I can’t help gagging when I bite it, I forgive myself.
Even though it tastes gross, I’m a good kid.
Even though it feels gross in my mouth, I’m a great kid.
Even though I can’t swallow it, I love myself.

And add on any other things that come to your child’s mind. For example, with noodles “Even though it feels like worms in my mouth…” or with watermelon “Even though I hate the seeds in my mouth…” or with curry “Even though I only like the orange one, not the red one…”

It really is a time to explore your child’s language and let that guide your setup and reminder phrases. Stay in tune with their conversation.

If you are doing surrogate tapping, then expect a change over a few weeks. It takes time for your child to realise there’s no more resistance in them for that food. Hence, progress may be slow for a few days until without realising it your child is happily eating a bowl of pasta.

Happy Tapping :)

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