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Bladder Control

My son has been wetting his pants for a few months now. It started off infrequently. It seemed to develop out of nowhere. At first I thought they were little accidents. Then I thought he was being forgetful. Then I thought he was just being plain naughty. Until I started talking to a few parents about the problem who had found their child wet their pants or their bed when they were anxious!!

It was one of those “aha” moments for me. Given that he has selective mutism it fitted the bill. Although I didn’t understand why he just started a few months ago.

It seemed to be mostly at school that he would wet his pants and I thought that’s understandable since he wouldn’t talk to the teachers at that time and was to anxious to indicate “T” with his hands to say he needed to go to the toilet. After talking to the teachers, this issue was resolved. I then did some tapping (EFT) on being comfortable to tell the teachers he needed to go.

However, he started wetting his pants at home too. I looked it up in Louise Hay’s “Heal Your Body” and she indicated it was anxiety. So I’ve been tapping (using EFT) on “being scared of mum and dad finding out I wet my pants”, “hating to go to the toilet”, “hating being reminded”, “hating being told to go change my pants”.  Then I realised another issue came up from when he was 3 years old which made him scared of the toilet. I tapped on this fear of going to the toilet. All this significantly reduced his accident rate which was great. But didn’t complete it so there are still other factors to consider.

The other day my husband dropped him into school for the first time and he actually wet his pants on the trip to school, that was  straight after having been to the toilet at home. This was a first so I can see there a lots of little anxieties yet to tap on.

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