Where does Selective Mutism stem from?
How did my child end up with it?
I heard it’s hereditary, was it me?
These were some questions that entered my head when I would analyse where things went wrong.
To begin with, there is no point blaming yourself. Your child was born predisposed to being an anxious child. It is not your fault that your child is this way.
Although it is interesting to analyse your own childhood and think of times when you were anxious as a kid or how your partner is so often anxious, this actually does no good.
It does seem to be hereditary and most likely both parents experience anxiety (knowingly or not) quite intensly through stress, anger, or fears etc. Anxiety can come up in so many shapes and sizes. It’s easy to start pointing the finger at whose side of the family it came from but consider that this is a great opportunity to use EFT to remove any anxiety on both sides of the family.
The more I tapped on my own issues and my husbands, the more I realised that anxiety can be found in everyone. The degree varies but the most important thing is to clear any anxiety.
I believe that through clearing hidden anxieties in my family, there will follow a positive impact on our children. I have more to say about hereditary energies but for that you can visit My Soul’s Journey.
The most important thing is realise, it is not your fault. Your child is learning something about the human condition through their suffering of anxiety. The whole family can benefit during a time of struggle or hardship and actually gain higher spiritual conciousness through it.