We had tried our son on a homeopathic remedy called baryta carbonic and another one called ambrigresia.
If you would like to try homeopathicremedies for selective mutism, don’t just get advice from anyone. Consult a proffessional homeopathist.
NB Just a note that usual cognitive behavioural treatment should continue alongside any medication or alternative remedies that are undertaken. SM children still need to be eased into uncomfortable situations.
I had taken advice from a lay person and it proved to be a mixed bag. My son began to lose his anxious streaks very quickly, within a few days of starting regular treatment. I was thrilled because at the time I felt like nothing else was working. The therapies didn’t seem to shift anything and the teachers at Kindy couldn’t really do much. Whereas each of these remedies were brilliant. He started talking to friends that came over. He initiated conversations with other children, he smiled and expressed himself physically even when other non-family people were around.
The side-effects: he became very moody, tempermental, extremely angry easily. It was like all the bottled up fear was allowed to be released and it came out as aggressive anger. But a few days after ending the treatment he would go back to normal again. That being, a mellow, peaceful, loving child.
This made me aware of how much anger is pent up inside a selectivly mute child. All the fear manifests into anxiety but if released unmanaged it becomes aggressive behaviour because your child has never had to deal with such a whirl wind of emotions, and has not been taught constructive techniques to deal with so many emotions all at once.
The way I see it is the SM child numbs the pain of fear that they experience otherwise they would be an emotional wreck. But in so numbing whatever pain they are in, it numbs their vocal chords and it inhibits their physical expression. It is definately a protective mechanism using “flight or fight” and in this instance they freeze (which is part of the flight mechanism).
It’s like going into your own little world inside a bubble and watching everything in the third person. Like it’s not really happening to you.
Hi –
We hope you can help us with some of your experiences.
We have a 10 year, who has SM and has been prescribed Baryta Carb. Did it prove helpful for your son in the long run, and did it have any side effects ? How many doses were recommended to you ? and do you recommend to us
Sorry for so many questions, but we are trying to get our 10 year daughter come out of her cave and stand for herself
Best Regards