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I have found EFT works wonderfully for a variety of issues including anxiety.

If you don’t know what it is checkout www.emofree.com and download the free manual. Or check out my other blog I’ve just started http://tapping.blogtown.co.nz/about/ to find out a little more about it. It’s basically an accupressure technique that uses specific accupuncture points. Tapping on each point is intentional to a specific issue being addressed. This page continues assuming you have a working understanding of EFT.

Back to SM:

EFT is so useful for selective mutism but because selective mutism is such a big problem you cannot tap it away simply by saying “Even though I have this selective mutism…”

There are so many facets to selective mutism as you well know given that you are on this page searching for information, you may well have a loved on that suffers from it. Being scared of the doctor, scared to go school, scared to try new foods, scared to be outside alone, scared to …. you get the picture.

Each of these specific issues can be addressed by EFT so that the conversation no longer exists in your mind and is over-come. In my blog you will find some scripts I’ve found useful while tapping on myself or my son who has SM. These scripts do not have to be used just for SM kids. They can be used on any child who is experiencing anxiety in some form or another depending on their situation.

Anyway, check out some of my posts for ideas on what to tap on.

2 Responses to “Using EFT for Selective Mutism”

  1. Miranda Miranda says:

    Hi, I’ve just read this article and it mentions to check out some if your posts for what to tap on for SM. Where do I find these please? Thank you.

  2. Kira Kira says:

    hi I have a 4 year old girl who has selective mutism she speaks well at home and with all relatives and family friends .
    she is very sociable which is strange to me as she doesn’t say a word at school .
    I am looking for an eft script so I can surrogate tap for her
    can you help me?

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